2001 Tige 21V

First let me say, wow! This thing is awesome and makes an older boat feel new and relevant again. I joke with people and tell them it saved my marriage... I never got any good quality pull time when it was just the family out for the day. I'd drive for the kids and wife but when I would ask my wife to "keep it around 21" I would get somewhere in between 15 and 27 MPH. Now, when it's set to 21.5, it varies between 21.4 and 21.6... sooooo much better. I love it!
Installation was a breeze by the way and the installation instructions were very well documented. I've used the GPS all this time so far and even on the cloudiest of days, it tracks very well. Ridesteady reduces the complexity of driving and allows them to focus on safety instead of speed. My only regret is that I wish I bought it sooner.