2020 Yamaha 212X

IMPORTANT: The customer photos and information provided on this website have not been verified to be correct or valid installations by Hydrophase LLC. They are provided as a reference only. Always follow the Hydrophase Installation Guide, and contact Hydrophase LLC with any questions.

The ridesteady is fantastic and is by far the best upgrade I’ve done to the boat. I should’ve bought this last year when I purchased the boat.

It is plug and play and has worked flawlessly. Very easy to use.

I had a friend that works at a local marina install it and he got it done in an hour. Very simple install for him. The only step we questioned was where to feed the power line from the external head unit. We found the access hole on the top right side of the cockpit and by viewing pics from another install.

Very happy with my purchase.

-P.A., Evergreen, Colorado, USA

Ridesteady offers the ultimate control for all water sports, from wakeboarding to wakesurfing, or even just cruising.

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(+1) 512-524-8686


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